Author: goodshepherd

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Perfect Promises – Isaiah 25:6-9

Perfect Promises – Isaiah 25:6-9

How many of you have made a promise to someone and then had to break that promise due to circumstances beyond your control? The good news is that we serve a God, who when he makes a promise, that promise is as good as done the moment he makes it. His promises are sure because he is sovereign and totally in control. Come hear in the book of Isaiah about three perfect promises of God that are made 'yes' in Christ.

Restore Us – Psalm 80

Restore Us – Psalm 80

When we face hardships in our lives, we often look to God to put things back to the way they were, we want him to restore us. Like the writer of Psalm 80, we cry out to God, seeking His face and asking Him to bring us back to where we were before. We often do not see that God has something great for us. Something we do not expect. What we need is to be restored to God…and he always does this through Christ.

Making church buildings missional

Making church buildings missional

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