This week, as we finish the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul turns from praise to prayer - praying that the Church would be able to know and trust God even more. There are many in this culture who would say that there are certain things that we just can't know for certain - especially when it comes to religion. Thankfully, we have a God who not only wants to be known, but has made Himself known through His Word and especially through His Son.
Welcome to Good Shepherd Church
Sunday Service at 10:30 am
Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 am
Our Mission is to:
KNOW Jesus by faith and worship Him, GROW in Jesus, SHOW the love of Jesus to others, and GO share what Jesus has done.
Whether you are a lifelong member or a newcomer, when you come through the doors of Good Shepherd Church our prayer is that you are made to feel like family. As forgiven people, living in the grace of God, we want more and more people to experience the joy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ. We hope to see you this Sunday!
Latest Sermons
Grace & Peace – Ephesians 1:1-14
September 8, 2024This week, as we begin our new series, Grace & Peace, we dig into Ephesians, chapter 1, to see where grace and peace ultimately come from. Through this "salvation symphony", written by Paul, we will see that the Triune God is the doer of all the verbs and the only who gets the credit for these spiritual blessings.
Hope for Our Souls – Psalm 42
September 1, 2024This Sunday, in our final psalm of the summer, we will be looking at Psalm 42. In this psalm, we get an intimate look at the psalmist's conversation with himself. On the one hand he feels like he is spiritually dry and deserted. On the other hand, he knows of the steadfast love of his God. Hear why what we know about God is more important than what we feel about ourselves.
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