Welcome to Good Shepherd Church

Sunday Service at 10:00 am

Sunday School for all ages resumes after Labor Day!

Our Mission is to:

KNOW Jesus by faith and worship Him, GROW in Jesus, SHOW the love of Jesus to others, and GO share what Jesus has done.


Whether you are a lifelong member or a newcomer, when you come through the doors of Good Shepherd Church our prayer is that you are made to feel like family. As forgiven people, living in the grace of God, we want more and more people to experience the joy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.  We hope to see you this Sunday!









Latest Sermons

The King of Glory – Psalm 24

The King of Glory – Psalm 24

July 21, 2024

This week we look at another Psalm of David. And through this Psalm, David asks the all important question, "Who can stand in the presence of a Holy God?". However, the initial answer that David gives is not necessarily good news. Come hear how people like you and me - people with unclean hands and impure hearts - can ascend the holy hill and stand in his holy place.

Humble Confidence – Psalm 85

Humble Confidence – Psalm 85

July 14, 2024

We continue our Summer in the Psalms series with Psalm 85. God has established a covenant relationship with his people through his gracious saving acts of love and faithfulness. A covenant relationship with God requires both parties holding up their end, but we so often fail to keep our end of the bargain. We find ourselves saved by God’s grace but so often feel in need of that grace again and again. Salvation is dependent on God’s unilateral action, through Christ’s faithfulness and righteousness. It is this Gospel truth that we must be constantly reminded of, so that we might know the comfort of God’s Gospel promise, even when we don’t feel it.

Joy Comes with the Morning – Psalm 30

Joy Comes with the Morning – Psalm 30

June 30, 2024

This week, as we dig into Psalm 30, we hear David lament about his pride and self-reliance that led to great trouble for him and his people. However, David found hope and joy by turning back to the great mercy of God. We too will have times of struggling in the darkness, but thankfully we have the same promise that joy comes in the morning.

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