Welcome to Good Shepherd Church

Sunday Service at 10:30 am

Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 am

Our Mission is to:

KNOW Jesus by faith and worship Him, GROW in Jesus, SHOW the love of Jesus to others, and GO share what Jesus has done.


Whether you are a lifelong member or a newcomer, when you come through the doors of Good Shepherd Church our prayer is that you are made to feel like family. As forgiven people, living in the grace of God, we want more and more people to experience the joy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.  We hope to see you this Sunday!









Latest Sermons

Powerful Good News – Colossians 1:1-14

Powerful Good News – Colossians 1:1-14

February 9, 2025

This Sunday we enter into the third of Paul's prison letters - the book of Colossians. And as we read this letter to the church in Colossae, it becomes clear that Paul is writing it because false teaching was knocking at their door. So, in the next few weeks, come and hear Paul proclaim and defend both the truth of the Gospel and the supremacy of Christ. It is some powerful good news!

The Sufficiency of Christ – Philippians 4:10-23

The Sufficiency of Christ – Philippians 4:10-23

February 2, 2025

As we get to the last section in the book of Philippians, we come across one of the most well-known, often-quoted verses in the whole Bible. However, as we see it in its context, we find that it doesn't say what we often believe it says. We see that we've often been applying it incorrectly. Come join us this Sunday as we finish Paul's letter, and see that the news he brings is much better for us in this world we actually live in.

A Secure Mind – Philippians 4:1-9

A Secure Mind – Philippians 4:1-9

January 26, 2025

Throughout the book of Philippians, Paul has been calling on the Church to rejoice. And knowing that Paul is writing this letter while in chains for the gospel, we know that true joy is not dependent on our circumstances. This Sunday, as we enter the final chapter, Paul gives biblical advice on how to deal with bad circumstances, such as conflict and concerns, and still have joy and assurance in spite of them.

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