Sermon Category: The Last Word

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The Last Word on Heaven – Revelation 21-22

The Last Word on Heaven – Revelation 21-22

This week we conclude our eleven week series in the book of Revelation. As we look at chapters 21 and 22, we appropriately end our journey in Heaven. Throughout the book - even in the face of wrath and destruction and intimidating enemies - we have been given hope and comfort and assurance from the Lamb upon His throne. This week, we see the culmination of the book as John gets a vision of Christ's entire Church, His Bride, living with Him for eternity.

The Last Word on Salvation – Revelation 19-20

The Last Word on Salvation – Revelation 19-20

We live in a fallen, broken, corrupt world. And it may seem like there is no hope for us in the face of this great catastrophe. We can take a pessimistic view of life, believing that there is no hope, so we might as well eat, drink and be merry. Or, we can take an optimistic view, believing that we can fix the catastrophe through our own will and ingenuity. But God does away with both of these views. Instead he offers us true hope in the cross of Christ and in the promise of Christ’s return to do away with the catastrophe of sin and all its effects. God’s answer is salvation, for today and for the yet to come.

The Last Word on Judgment – Revelation 15-18

The Last Word on Judgment – Revelation 15-18

A few weeks ago we heard seven trumpets blown, each of which brought partial and limited judgment upon the earth. This Sunday we hear of seven bowls of God's wrath poured out, following the same pattern, but this time bringing complete and final judgment upon the earth. Come and hear about "The Last Word on Judgment", and why it isn't the last word for those who trust in Christ.

The Last Word on Witness – Revelation 10 & 11

The Last Word on Witness – Revelation 10 & 11

This Sunday, between the sixth and the seventh trumpets, we will hear the Last Word on Witness. In chapters 10 and 11, John sees a mighty angel, eats a scroll, measures a Temple, and watches two mysterious witnesses die and resurrect. Come hear what all this has to do with our call as Christians to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

The Last Word on Repentance – Revelation 8 & 9

The Last Word on Repentance – Revelation 8 & 9

This Sunday, in Revelation 8 and 9, we move from the opening of the seven seals to the sounding of the seven trumpets. And as we see incredible destruction take place upon the earth, we also see the amazing patience and mercy of God. Judgment is coming, but even so, God gives opportunity after opportunity for people to turn from their sin and then turn to him. The Day of the Lord may be near, but thankfully, today can still be a day of repentance and the day of our salvation.

The Last Word on Evil – Revelation 6 & 7

The Last Word on Evil – Revelation 6 & 7

This Sunday we enter chapters 6 and 7 of Revelation, where we see the first six seals on the scroll opened. As the "wrath of the Lamb" begins to be unleashed, an important question is asked: "Who can withstand it." Join us as we hear the eternally important answer to that eternally important question.

The Last Word on Worship – Revelation 4 & 5

The Last Word on Worship – Revelation 4 & 5

This week we get into what the Book of Revelation is more known for...out of this world descriptions, strange creatures, and a scroll with seven seals. As we look at chapters four and five, we enter the very throne room of heaven with the Apostle John. Come see and hear what worship looks like in the presence of our Creator and Redeemer. Is it good to be there? Or, is it terrifying?

The Last Word on the Church – Revelation 2 & 3

The Last Word on the Church – Revelation 2 & 3

This Sunday we dive into Revelation chapters 2 and 3, where Christ gives a message to seven churches in Asia Minor. And while these words are directed to seven specific churches, the messages are relevant for all churches - in every place and in every age. And they are especially relevant to churches in a culture like ours.  Let's hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

The Last Word on Christ – Revelation 1:12-20

The Last Word on Christ – Revelation 1:12-20

The last word on Christ is a glorified and risen Savior. He is the Son of Man, given dominion, power, and authority of all things because he was crucified and was raised from the dead. In this he defeated death and the grave. In a world that seems to be overcome by the powers of sin and evil, the eternal Christ stands in the midst of his Church holding power over all the universe. It is in this context John sees his vision and falls dead. Is Christ safe? No, he is most certainly not safe. But he is good.

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