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The Word Became Flesh – John 1:14

The Word Became Flesh – John 1:14

The God who created all things has come down to earth to dwell among us. He took on human flesh; his name is Jesus. The fact that God would take on flesh is a wonderful and mysterious thing in of itself, but what is more wonderful, the true glory of Christmas, is the Cross. The Word became flesh to take on sin at the Cross. What a wonderful and mysterious gift we have been given!

The True Light – John 1:9-13

The True Light – John 1:9-13

On this Third Sunday in Advent, we continue in John, chapter 1, where we hear about the True Light that came into the world. And although the world - and specifically His own people - should have recognized him, they didn't. Instead, they rejected Him. Come hear about the gift that is given to those who do receive Him as the True Light.

A Witness to the Light – John 1:6-8

A Witness to the Light – John 1:6-8

On this Second Sunday in Advent, we continue with the next three verses in John chapter 1. And for many who have studied this prologue in John's Gospel, these three verses seem out of place. They seem like they just don't fit into this grand and majestic description of Jesus - the Son of God. Come hear how John the Baptist - and the rest of us - fit into God's amazing plan of salvation.

In the Beginning – John 1:1-5

In the Beginning – John 1:1-5

On this first Sunday in Advent, we begin a new series called "The Word Became Flesh". And in this series we'll be looking at the first fourteen verses of the Gospel of John. This week, we will be introduced to "The Word". And we will see that John is not bringing us a concept or an idea or a set of propositions. Instead, he is introducing us to a Person - an eternally-existent Person. O come let us adore him!

Creator, King, and Shepherd – Psalm 95:1-7a

Creator, King, and Shepherd – Psalm 95:1-7a

This Sunday, which is the last Sunday of the Church year, is called Christ the King Sunday. As we conclude our fall sermon series, we will be in Psalm 95, where we are invited to sing for joy and bow down and kneel before the great King who is above all gods. Come join us this Sunday as we worship the King.

Hurry Up and Wait – ​1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Hurry Up and Wait – ​1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

The Day of the Lord is coming. It will be a day of God's judgment on all who do not believe in the Gospel, but for those who do believe it will be a day of victory. We don't know when that day will come, so all are called to be ready. Being ready means living like it will come at any moment and like it will never come--to hurry up and wait.

Help for the Poor and Needy – Psalm 70

Help for the Poor and Needy – Psalm 70

This Sunday we find ourselves back in the Psalms where we see David cry out to God for help and deliverance from his enemies. As we look at this honest prayer, we see how we, as poor and needy people, have the exact same need and the exact same hope. Come hear the good news of how Christ has defeated your enemies!

All Who Have this Hope – ​1 John 3:1-3

All Who Have this Hope – ​1 John 3:1-3

This Sunday we join other churches around the world for the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. We will also be opening up 1 John, chapter 3, where we will hear the encouragement that all believers need to hear - whether we are experiencing intense persecution, or just suffering the effects of living in a fallen broken world. Come hear about the great love of the Father!

Recovering the Five Solas – Romans 3:19-28

Recovering the Five Solas – Romans 3:19-28

This Sunday, as we celebrate Reformation Day, we find ourselves in the book of Romans. We will be looking at chapter 3, which Luther called "the chief point and the very central place of the Epistle, and of the whole Bible." Come join us as we hear the very heart of the Gospel.

Praise and Proclamation – Psalm 96

Praise and Proclamation – Psalm 96

This Sunday we will be back in the Psalms where we will hear about the joy of singing God's praises - both to Him and to the world around us. We'll see that the Lord deserves worship and the world needs to experience worship. Come join us in that worship this Sunday!