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Two Kinds of Righteousness – 1 John 3:11-24

Two Kinds of Righteousness – 1 John 3:11-24

This week, as we look at the remainder of 1 John, chapter 3, we see clearly that God loves us and we are to love one another. We are called to love others as Jesus has loved us. But this is a pretty tall order. Where do we get the power to do that? Come hear about two kinds of righteousness that flow from the same place - the cross.

Children of Hope – 1 John 2:28-3:10

Children of Hope – 1 John 2:28-3:10

This week, as we get back into the book of 1 John, we hear the Apostle sharing some very hope-filled words and also some very troubling words. The question then, is who are these words for? Should I be comforted by what John writes or should I be afflicted by his words? Join us as we see what it means to be children of hope!

Confirmation Sunday

Confirmation Sunday

This Sunday is our Confirmation Service.
Join us as we hear about the Bible, the 10 Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Sacraments.

Hold Fast!  Stay True! —- 1 John 2:15-27

Hold Fast! Stay True! —- 1 John 2:15-27

John tells us that the last hour is upon us (1 John 2:18). There are many forces working against the Gospel that would entice Christians away from the faith: the love of the world and false teaching. John calls Christians to hold fast to Christ and stay true to the Word. But this does not come of our own strength or will, it is simply by abiding in Christ, as Christ holds us fast and enables us to stay true!

It Is Finished! Now What? – 1 John 2:1-14

It Is Finished! Now What? – 1 John 2:1-14

This Sunday, as we get into the 2nd chapter of 1 John, we begin to look at what happens once our sins are forgiven through Christ. At that point, once we have been cleansed of all our unrighteousness, is it up to us and our power to keep ourselves clean? Or, is there another, greater power available to us? Are the rest of the words in 1 John meant to make us question our faith, or give us assurance? Come hear what John has to say to us, the Beloved.

The Life and Light of Christ – 1 John 1:1-10

The Life and Light of Christ – 1 John 1:1-10

This Sunday we begin a new series in the book of 1 John. Throughout this letter, we will see that John is correcting heretical teaching that has worked its way into the Church. In the first chapter, we will see him address a wrong view of who Jesus is and a wrong view of who we are. And we will see that his teaching is just as applicable for us as it was in the day he wrote it. Come hear about both the life and light of Christ.

Easter: Death Devoured – Isaiah 25:6-9

Easter: Death Devoured – Isaiah 25:6-9

On this Resurrection Sunday we will be looking at Isaiah's prophecy of a day in the future when death would be swallowed up forever. Even in the midst of judgment and exile, the prophet looked forward to the day when death was devoured, a feast was prepared, tears were wiped away, and sin and shame were gone. While we live and rejoice in the partial fulfillment of this prophecy, we wait along with Isaiah for its ultimate fulfillment when Christ returns. Join us as we celebrate the empty tomb which made it all possible!

Your King Is Coming! – Zechariah 9:9-12

Your King Is Coming! – Zechariah 9:9-12

On this Palm Sunday we will be looking at the Old Testament prophecy that Jesus fulfilled as he rode into Jerusalem, humble and riding on a donkey. We'll ask the questions: Why did he do it? Why did the crowds and the leaders respond the way they did? Why does it matter for us today? Come join us as we shout "Hosanna!" to the coming King!

The Last Word on Heaven – Revelation 21-22

The Last Word on Heaven – Revelation 21-22

This week we conclude our eleven week series in the book of Revelation. As we look at chapters 21 and 22, we appropriately end our journey in Heaven. Throughout the book - even in the face of wrath and destruction and intimidating enemies - we have been given hope and comfort and assurance from the Lamb upon His throne. This week, we see the culmination of the book as John gets a vision of Christ's entire Church, His Bride, living with Him for eternity.

The Last Word on Salvation – Revelation 19-20

The Last Word on Salvation – Revelation 19-20

We live in a fallen, broken, corrupt world. And it may seem like there is no hope for us in the face of this great catastrophe. We can take a pessimistic view of life, believing that there is no hope, so we might as well eat, drink and be merry. Or, we can take an optimistic view, believing that we can fix the catastrophe through our own will and ingenuity. But God does away with both of these views. Instead he offers us true hope in the cross of Christ and in the promise of Christ’s return to do away with the catastrophe of sin and all its effects. God’s answer is salvation, for today and for the yet to come.