Welcome to Good Shepherd Church

Sunday Service at 10:30 am

Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 am

Our Mission is to:

KNOW Jesus by faith and worship Him, GROW in Jesus, SHOW the love of Jesus to others, and GO share what Jesus has done.


Whether you are a lifelong member or a newcomer, when you come through the doors of Good Shepherd Church our prayer is that you are made to feel like family. As forgiven people, living in the grace of God, we want more and more people to experience the joy and freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.  We hope to see you this Sunday!









Latest Sermons

To Him Be Glory – Ephesians 3:14-21

To Him Be Glory – Ephesians 3:14-21

October 13, 2024

The problem in the Ephesian Church was pride. This led to disunity. What was needed was right thinking, that would lead to love of God and the neighbor. We are weak. Unable to accomplish this, Christ must dwell in our hearts so that we love, and the Gospel must inform our thinking so that we see others the same way God sees us. It is for this reason Paul is driven to his knees, so that the glory of God would dwell in the Church through the glory revealed in Christ. That the glory of Christ would dwell in our hearts and minds!

A Mystery Made Known – Ephesians 3:1-13

A Mystery Made Known – Ephesians 3:1-13

October 6, 2024

This week, as we get into the third chapter of Ephesians, Paul proclaims the wondrous mystery that Gentiles are full heirs and recipients of the unsearchable riches of Christ. And just as amazing is the fact that Paul was chosen to be the one to bring that message - though now he does so in chains. Come and hear about the mystery made known to Paul...and to us!

One in Christ – Ephesians 2:11-22

One in Christ – Ephesians 2:11-22

September 29, 2024

This week, as we look at the second half of Ephesians chapter 2, we will again be confronted with some very bad news - especially for those of us who are Gentiles. However, that bad news makes the good news that Paul shares even better. Come and hear how those of us who were "far off" have been "brought near" through Christ. All the walls have come down!

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